General Practitioner care

Their GP practice is often patients’ first port of call for healthcare and support, and it is thus an important factor in the quality of care. We therefore provide support for GP care and for GPs in their efforts to make sustainable improvements to the quality of care.

Organisation of general practice

Besides the development and use of scientific knowledge and evidence-based practical knowledge concerning disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment, this also concerns knowledge of the organisation of healthcare and support for care professionals in their work, as well as knowledge for education and training.

Knowledge for daily practice

We need more knowledge from research into general practice, and we need to disseminate this knowledge among GPs in order to maintain the current high standards of research and care. We fund projects designed to develop and evaluate knowledge and put it into practice, and research into the best form of disease prevention, care and support in general practice. We connect these projects in order to develop shared, generic knowledge. Read about the knowledge being developed and how you can apply it in daily practice.

Investing in collaboration

General practitioners often play a coordinating role in multidisciplinary collaboration with other care providers. One of the ways in which we are supporting such collaboration is through the funding of six projects to research and find evidence of the benefits of multidisciplinary cooperation in new or existing partnerships. The projects are also describing, evaluating and improving the process of collaboration. The partnerships involve GPs, nurses, nursing specialists and/or carers and allied health professionals. The projects launched in autumn 2022.

Well-trained professionals

Well-trained professionals are needed to ensure we can continue to cater for changing care demand in the future. We therefore support and encourage the academicization of training programmes and improvements to the quality of further training. We support academicization by funding PhD research projects for doctors training to become clinical researchers. To continue improving further training in general practice and elderly medicine, we support and facilitate education research.


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If you have any questions, you are able to find our contact information below.


Thirza Ras

Senior Programme Manager
kphag [at]

Shamala Kotte

Programme Secretary
kphag [at]

Louise van Muijlwijk-Emons

Programme Secretary
kphag [at]

Ane Wijnands-Sletten

Programme Secretary
kphag [at]