
Our goal is good health for all, for all people regardless of sex and gender. We therefore encourage research and innovation that consider the impact of sex and gender on health and healthcare. Read more about what we do on this page.

Knowledge of differences between men and women

When it comes to health and healthcare, we often know more about men than about women. The male body is often the focus of research, practice and policy, although we know that many diseases and medical conditions manifest differently in women than in men. By facilitating research into health differences between men and women we hope to reduce the knowledge deficit in this area and raise awareness among professionals.

Definitions sex and gender

We use the term sex to denote the biological and physiological differences between people and between animals, in terms of their hormones, chromosomes and reproductive organs, for example. Gender refers to certain socioculturally determined differences between people, such as roles, behaviour, expression and identity. Read more about the definitions.

Healthcare for LGBTI+ people

Healthcare specially tailored to lesbian, gay, bi+, transgender and intersex (LGBTI+) people is relatively new, and is evolving rapidly. The number of transgender people seeking medical assistance is on the rise, and waiting lists are growing. It is important that care be aligned with developments in society and the needs of LGBTI+ people. Our research into healthcare for LGBTI+ people fosters the improvement and updating of care services.

Getting to grips with sex and gender

How can you take account of sex and gender differences in your work as a researcher, reviewer or healthcare professional? We made an overview of knowledge, inspiration, tips and tools to help you get to grips with sex and gender, and improve the quality of your work. Healthcare and research that considers sex and gender differences will allow us to provide good, appropriate care for all.

Women and the hormonal cycle

A woman is not a small man. Problems with the uterus and ovaries, such as endometriosis, are common. Hormones have a major impact on the body during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. Many medical conditions such as migraine, diabetes and autoimmune diseases are linked to the hormone cycle. We work to achieve a better understanding of women’s bodies and hormones, in order to improve diagnosis and treatment of conditions specific to women.


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If you have any questions, you are able to find our contact information below.


Carine Stroet

gender [at]