Everything about FAIR data management

Good data management is embedded in every single one of ZonMw’s projects, ensuring that data are reusable to verify project results, conduct follow-up research and justify policy. Implementing the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles, data can be used by people and computers and as such are suitable for data science.

Policy on data within ZonMw grant procedure

ZonMw’s policy on data management and FAIR data is embedded in all stages of the grant procedure, from the application process up to and including final reporting on projects. It is also anchored in our grant conditions. All of these elements contribute to accelerating knowledge exchange, aiming to improve health and health care. Read more about ZonMw's FAIR data policy and Laws and regulations on data management and FAIR data.

Instructions on data management and FAIR data in ZonMw projects

The instructions provide a roadmap for researchers and their data stewards with regard to data management and FAIR data in ZonMw’s projects. For anyone applying for a grant, these are the instructions for preparing data management. For anyone receiving a grant, these are the instructions for the data management plan and for reporting on its benefits. Below you can find ZonMw's instructions on data management and FAIR data, for both the grant applicant and the grant recipient. 

Background information on data management and FAIR data

Here you can find more information about the ‘why, what and how’ of our instructions and policy on data management and FAIR data. Read more about the background of data management and FAIR data at ZonMw.